Creative and Thoughtful 40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas For 2024

birthday letterboard with confetti

Turning 40 is not just another birthday; it’s a celebration of four decades of life filled with experiences, wisdom, and countless memories. What better way to honor this significant milestone than by creating a 40th birthday memory book that encapsulates the journey so far?

A 40th birthday memory book is a heartfelt and meaningful gift that goes beyond material possessions. It captures the essence of the celebrant’s life through personal messages, cherished stories, nostalgic photos, and creative drawings. This unique keepsake becomes a tangible collection of memories, celebrating not just the years lived but the impact made on the lives of others.

Read on for all our ideas of what to include in a 40th birthday book, the three main types of birthday books so you can decide which one to make, and more tips and inspiration!

What is a Birthday Memory Book?

A birthday memory book is a special type of scrapbook filled with personal messages, stories, drawings, and photos that celebrate a specific memory or a person’s life in general. These books often follow themes, one of which could be celebrating a significant birthday like the 40th. This milestone deserves a special gift that captures moments and memories to be revisited and enjoyed for years to come.

What goes into a birthday memory book is entirely up to you. You can organize photos chronologically or create a particular narrative. Friends and family can contribute their own messages of well wishes. You can even include physical items such as tickets, flowers, and other mementos to add a personal touch.

person pointing at a page in a photo book with a picture of a mother and child, possibly a 40th birthday memory book!

Photo by cottonbro studio on

Why It’s Worth Making a Birthday Memory Book

While anyone can buy a gift from a store, creating a birthday memory book requires a deep understanding of the person you’re celebrating. At age 40, the honoree likely doesn’t need more material possessions. Instead, a memory book offers an intimate, heartfelt gift that speaks to their significance in the lives of many.

Thoughtful messages let the person know just how much they are loved by friends and family. This memory book not only provides a platform for others to share their appreciation but also becomes an album that can be shared across generations. The best memory books remain touching and relevant throughout the course of a lifetime.

Three Types of Birthday Memory Books and How to Create Them

It’s important to decide what type of birthday memory book to go with, and to know how to create the one of your choice! We’ll go through them all: traditional scrapbook-style memory books, photo books and memory books with messages, stories and photos.

1. Traditional Scrapbook-Style Memory Book

If you enjoy arts and crafts or have physical mementos to include, a traditional scrapbook might be the best option for you.

woman holding a scrapbook with photos and other items, plus photos on the floor, possibly for a 40th birthday memory scrapbook.

Photo by Mohamed hamdi on

Choose a Theme

Start by deciding if you want a theme for your scrapbook. While not necessary, a theme can guide the design and content of your book, whether it’s a decorating style (e.g., a favorite sports team or movie genre) or a content theme (e.g., favorite memories or humorous advice for turning 40).

Gather Content from Others

Reach out to friends, family, and coworkers from different stages of the honoree’s life. Email them with specific guidelines on what to contribute (e.g., pictures, messages) and a deadline. Send reminders as the deadline approaches.

Gather Memorabilia and Decorating Materials

Search for old photos, ticket stubs, old greeting cards, and drawings. Quotations and poems that speak to the person’s life also make great additions. Parents and siblings might have fun, nostalgic pictures.

Shop for decorating materials at your local craft store. Choose a suitable book as your “canvas.” We recommend albums with removable pages to allow flexibility. Other supplies include glue or tape, stickers, pens and pencils, colored paper, glitter, and embellishments. Here’s a great list of basic scrapbooking supplies.

Assemble and Decorate

Set aside a large workspace and begin by laying out all the content. Arrange, decorate, and assemble each page one by one, letting your creative talents shine. As the organizer, make sure to add your own note at the beginning or end of the book!

2. Photo Book

A photo book is a great option if you aren’t as crafty or if much of your content is digital.

a woman sitting at table and working on laptop, the screen filled with photos (possibly making a 40th birthday photo book?).

Photo by Michael Burrows on

Choose Your Software

You can use basic word processing software, but we recommend websites like Shutterfly, Picaboo, or Snapfish, or scrapbooking applications like MyMemories, designed specifically for photo books.

Invite Friends and Family to Contribute

Similar to traditional scrapbooks, email friends and family asking them to contribute content. If they have physical items, have them scanned into digital files. You can also attach a keepsake pocket at the end of your printed book for physical items.

Assemble and Design

Upload the content to your chosen website. Arrange it to your liking and decorate the pages using design templates. Most websites offer digital embellishments and customization options.

Print, Ship, and Wrap

Once satisfied with the design and layout, most websites can print and ship the physical book within 2-3 weeks. Once it arrives, it’s ready to be wrapped and presented!

3. Memory Book with Messages, Stories & Photos

If you’re short on time or prefer a more streamlined process, a Newlywords birthday memory book might be the best option.

Open Newlywords Memory Birthday Book with photos and text

Start a Collection Page

Create a webpage to easily gather content from everyone. Specify the type of content you’d like and a deadline. Choose from various templates to make it easy for contributors to submit something.

Ask for Contributions

Email the collection page URL to friends and family or invite them directly through the website, similar to Evite, so contributors receive automated reminders before the deadline.

Review, Print, and Ship

Edit and approve submitted contributions. Newlywords uses a clean, modern design for its pages, so organizers don’t need to spend time decorating. Once finalized, you can choose to receive a PDF version or have a physical book printed and shipped to you.

More Ideas for Specific Types of 40th Birthday Memory Books

a woman in a dress standing next to her birthday cake with "40" candles

Photo by Walter Cordero on

Funny 40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas

  • “Over the Hill” Theme: Include humorous messages and stories about getting older, funny photos from the past, and playful advice for handling life after 40.
  • “Then vs. Now” Photos: Pair old photos with current ones and add funny captions to highlight the changes over the years.
  • “40 Reasons You’re Amazing”: Create a list of 40 funny reasons why the honoree is still amazing, with contributions from friends and family.
  • Celebrity Look-Alikes: Compare the honoree’s past and present photos to celebrities they resemble, with humorous commentary.

40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas for Her

  • Fashion Through the Years: Showcase her evolving style with photos and fashion highlights from different decades.
  • Best Friends Forever: Include messages and photos from her closest friends.
  • Travel Memories: Create pages dedicated to her favorite travel destinations, with photos, postcards, and souvenirs.
  • Inspiring Quotes: Add motivational quotes and affirmations that resonate with her journey.
  • Achievements and Milestones: Highlight her personal and professional accomplishments.

40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas for Mom

  • Milestone Moments: Highlight significant life events such as births, weddings, and family vacations.
  • Favorite Recipes: Include handwritten recipes and photos of dishes she loves to make.
  • Letters from Children and Grandchildren: Collect heartfelt letters expressing love and gratitude.
  • Garden of Memories: Use a garden theme with flower photos, gardening tips, and stories of time spent together in the garden.
  • Mom’s Wisdom: Compile her best advice, sayings, and lessons she has shared over the years.

Here are more gift ideas for mom on her birthday!

happy man with birthday cake sitting on gray pillow

Photo by Sina Rezakhani on

40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas for Him

  • Sports Highlights: Dedicate sections to his favorite sports teams and memorable games he has attended.
  • Tech and Gadgets: Include pages on his favorite gadgets and tech milestones over the years.
  • Classic Cars: If he loves cars, feature photos and stories of his favorite classic cars.
  • Life Lessons: Compile life lessons he has shared with others, along with anecdotes demonstrating his wisdom.
  • Favorite Quotes: Add his favorite quotes, whether they are from movies, books, or famous personalities.

40th Birthday Memory Book Ideas for Dad

  • Career Highlights: Document his professional achievements with photos, awards, and stories.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Include sections dedicated to his favorite hobbies, such as fishing, golfing, or woodworking, with photos and stories.
  • Dad Jokes: Create a page filled with his favorite jokes and puns.
  • Family Tree: Illustrate the family tree with photos and brief descriptions of family members.
  • Adventure Stories: Highlight memorable adventures and trips, complete with photos and anecdotes.

FAQs About 40th Birthday Memory Books

people sitting and looking at old photographs from photo albums

Photo by Ahmet Taha Kocyigit on

What do you write in a birthday memory book?

In a birthday memory book, you can include a variety of personal messages and memories. Here are some ideas:

  • Personal Messages: Heartfelt notes expressing your love and appreciation.
  • Memories: Short stories or anecdotes that highlight special moments shared with the birthday honoree.
  • Quotes and Sayings: Inspirational or humorous quotes that resonate with the person’s life and personality.
  • Photos: Captions for photographs that explain the significance of the moment captured.
  • Advice and Wishes: Words of wisdom and best wishes for the future.
  • Milestones: Significant life events and accomplishments.
  • Letters from Friends and Family: Messages from multiple people, creating a collective tribute.

What is traditional for a 40th birthday?

A 40th birthday can be celebrated with a variety of themes, depending on the honoree’s interests and personality. Popular themes include:

  • Classic and Elegant: Silver-themed parties to signify the milestone.
  • Nostalgic: A trip down memory lane with decorations and activities from the honoree’s younger years.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Themes that reflect their favorite hobbies, such as gardening, travel, or sports.
  • Humorous: Light-hearted themes that playfully poke fun at turning 40, such as “Over the Hill” or “40 and Fabulous.”
  • Family and Friends: Focus on celebrating with loved ones, highlighting relationships and shared experiences.

What’s the color for a 40th birthday?

The color often associated with a 40th birthday is silver. This color symbolizes the value and significance of reaching such an important milestone. However, you can choose any color that resonates with the honoree’s preferences or the overall theme of the celebration.

What is a good quote for a 40th birthday?

  • “Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age.” – Victor Hugo
  • “Life begins at forty.” – W.B. Pitkin
  • “Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you.” – Unknown
  • “At forty, you have the courage and confidence to live life on your own terms.” – Unknown
  • “You are not getting older, you are getting better.” – Unknown
  • “Forty is the new fabulous.” – Unknown
  • “The best is yet to come.” – Unknown
  • “Every year should teach you something valuable; whether you get the lesson is up to you.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.” – Unknown
pink flamingo on top of a birthday cake

Photo by Cats Coming on

Final Thoughts About 40th Birthday Books

A 40th birthday deserves a celebration that reflects the richness of the honoree’s life. A birthday memory book weaves personal stories, heartfelt messages, and cherished photos into a meaningful keepsake.

Whether you opt for a traditional scrapbook, a photo book, or a collaborative memory book with photos, stories and memories, the thoughtfulness behind this gift will make it a treasured keepsake. Celebrate the past, present, and future with a memory book that honors a life well-lived and anticipates many more memories to come. Make this 40th birthday unforgettable with a heartfelt tribute that will be cherished for years to come!